Predicting Gold price for the year 2025 using Predictive Analytics

 Predicting Gold price for the year 2025 using Predictive Analytics

Gold has appreciated by 34% in 2024, it is nearly $2600 on Jan-2-2025. I wanted to check How is it expected to perform in next 1 year. The nearest matching patterns were found with MDAX from Germany that had 10% up move and 6% down move in next 12 months. So overall Gold can be expected to be positive in 2025.

A question might come that, How would the Predictive Analytics have performed on 2-Jan-2024 when Gold was above US $2000? The system found nearest matching pattern from US stock Broadcom on March-4-2010 that had moved up 78% and -1% in next 12 months. The actual movement of Gold was 34% on up side and -4% on down side in next 12 months.

#PredictiveAnalytics #patterns #prediction #gold


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